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Flourish Nexus

Counseling for Well-Being


Considering trying out counseling and wondering about its potential impact on well-being? The World Health Organization (WHO) provides a rationale for the importance of mental health: “Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It has intrinsic and instrumental value and is integral to our well-being.”

“In my early professional years, I was asking the question, how can I treat, or cure, or change this person? Now I would phrase the question in this way: How can I provide a relationship which this person may use for his own personal growth?” Carl Rogers


Counseling can help people grow through their challenges, and can be participated in by individuals, couples, or small groups, either in person or in a virtual setting. Here is a brief overview of some potential benefits:


  1. Each person’s journey to invest in their well-being is unique, with the greatest growth often coming after difficulties which are faced with courage and resolve. The sharing of social and emotional concerns, in a caring and confidential environment, facilitates self-reflection, healing, and taking responsibility for one’s life.  

  2. The process of gaining self-understanding, including identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to well-being, helps people in personal and professional settings.

  3. Cultivate resilience to face the challenges of the 21st century by refining practical skills such as communication, problem-solving, decision-making, conflict resolution, and study skills.

  4. Families are comprised of unique individuals who influence each other in multiple ways. Understanding family and parenting dynamics, as well as family of origin issues, can help address unhealthy patterns of relating being passed on generationally.

Choosing a Counselor


Ready to take a step toward well-being through counseling? A question to consider is how to evaluate the services of a counselor. Here are three criteria for choosing a counselor:


  1. Qualifications and accountability. Enquire about the counselor’s licensure, experience and ethical adherence, as this varies according to country and region. When possible, rely on trustworthy referral sources to vet potential counselors.

  2. Personal compatibility. The relational fit with the counselor is important as challenging issues may be dealt with which require increased vulnerability. A collaborative and trustworthy counselor is vital for a strong therapeutic alliance or working relationship which can lead to improved outcomes.

  3. Counseling approach. There are a variety of counseling theories, each with their own set of interventions based on the framing of the problem and the prospective solution. Ask questions about the theoretical background of the counselor and what to reasonably expect during the sessions.  


In summary, counseling can be a powerful tool for well-being with a trained and experienced counselor who creates a caring and confidential space for the client’s unique story to emerge.

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